Volunteer With Us

Upcoming Build Days

Our builds are hard physical labor days that require anywhere from 3-5 hours of your time, but you can come and go at your leave. If you have any power tools, carpentry tools, wheelbarrows, or equipment that you think would be useful you are more than welcome to bring them along!

Actual locations of builds will be shared in further communications once volunteers sign-up.

Juan Gutierrez

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Learn More About Juan Gutierrez

Entered the military life in 1989 (US Army), as a Combat Engineer, Light Fighter (SAPPER). In 1995 transferred to the Civil Affairs community supporting 426 CA BN (FID/UW) under Special Operations Command – war traced under 1stSpecial Forces from Ft. Lewis, Washington, and the 351st CivilAffairs Command. Later in 2012 transferred to US Army Strategic Command based at Peterson SFB and Schriever SFB supporting the Joint Functional Component Command-Integrated Missile Defense community in Colorado Springs, CO. Retired as a 1SG/MSG from the 440th Civil Affairs Battalion from Ft. Carson, CO in 2019.


1) 1996 to Bosnia and Herzegovina in support of a PeaceKeeping mission (IFOR & SFOR)
2) 2002 to Southern Mindanao, Philippines in support of Operation Enduring Freedom
3) 2004 to Mosul, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom
4) 2012 – 2014 in Kabul, Afghanistan supporting our military in a civilian capacity – Operation Enduring Freedom

Want to Volunteer?

Thank you for your interest in our mission! Please fill out the sign-up form and choose which date(s) you would like to volunteer. We will reach out with more information closer to the build date.

Volunteer Signup

Where would you like to volunteer?(Required)

Carpenter Friends!

Are you part of a large group looking for a project to serve the community?


We are looking for a group of volunteers (preferably with experience in carpentry or building) to partner with us and assist in building for every project.

Think you can help?